Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I AM The Cutest Ever ...

My shirt says it all ... I am the cutest ever!!! I talked to sweet Momma all the way to the Landsberger's this morning and I've been talking ever since. I can't even take a good nap for all the talking I'm doing today. It's just that I have so much to say ... for four long months, I've been pretty quiet, but now I'm letting everyone know just what I think!!!

Speaking of being four months old ... let me tell you about my checkup:

Weight 14 lb. 8 oz. (75%)

Height 24 1/2 inches (50%) I think I am much taller, my leg was a little bent when that silly nurse measured me. :)

Head 42 1/2 cm (75%)

Am I simply perfect, or what???

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